Netanel (Ted) Deutsch
A lifelong resident of Cincinnati, Ted was born at Jewish Hospital to Ted, Jr. and Josephine Deutsch. He attended North Avondale Elementary School, where he attained the rank of lieutenant as a school crossing guard. A graduate of Walnut Hills High School in 1976, he was a member of the cross country team. In 1976, he entered Ohio University and was a founding brother of AEPi fraternity. He graduated from Ohio University in 1980 with a degree in psychology and a minor in political science. Later that year his father died, and Ted took over his company, Key Magazine. He began in Cincinnati the publication Cincinnati Bride and Groom. He has worked or published many other publications in Cincinnati, such as the playbill for both Playhouse in the Park and the Taft Theater, WNOP Jazzfest program and the Cincinnati Bar Association Report. He ran Key Magazine until 1999, when he sold it to his brother, Michael. In 1998 he purchased The American Israelite Newspaper. Ted’s vision of bringing the Israelite into the modern age has been long and rewarding. He established many firsts with the Israelite under his guidance. The American Israelite Newspaper’s website has been growing ever since going live. It continues to grow monthly. Ted has served on many boards in the Cincinnati area: Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Jewish Community Center, Jewish National Fund, Golf Manor Synagogue and Shaarei Torah Synagogue. Ted is currently a member of the Eastern Division of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. Ted is married to Stephanie Deutsch and the father of Rachel Deutsch. In his free time he is a disc golfer, golfer and active kayaker.

Julie Bernsen Brook
Born at Michael Reece Hospital in Chicago, Julie is the product of two first generation Ashkenazi Jews, Sheldon Bernsen (Von Steuben High School) and Adrienne Gloria Skookie Katz Bernsen (Senn High School). After completing 3 years of Highland Park High School (Illinois), with one class short to qualify to graduate (“Sex and Family Health”) Julie approached her Jewish guidance counselor requesting permission to graduate early. “You’re much too immature to attend college,” exclaimed Mrs. Levitan. So after one more semester, she disregarded all advice fleeing high school to follow in both her parent’s footsteps at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - where on her mother’s advice “had the best 4 years of her life!". Julie was a member of Delta Phi Epsilon sorority and graduated with a BA in Urban Planning. Following graduation she worked as a real estate underwriter for a number of large investment firms until she met her future husband Barry Allen Brook, MD, who encouraged her to further her education. Julie then attend U of Illinois - Chicago as Research Assistant on a full academic scholarship plus stipend to earn her MBA in Finance and HRM. She and Barry married, had their first child where upon Barry dragged Julie, kicking and screaming, to Cincinnati. You see Julie had been accepted to the PhD Business program at UIC and was a major player in a consulting firm started by two of her professors. She was making big bucks and was dreaming of one day becoming mayor of Chicago.